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Qantas Airlines Name Correction/Change Fee

We’ll go over the steps you should take immediately in case you need to alter your name, and we’ll also provide you important information about fees and restrictions. So, whether the missing middle initial or the misspelled name worries you, keep reading to learn how Qantas’ passenger name policy changes can be of assistance.

What Is Qantas Name Correction Policy?

Passengers can modify the spelling of their names slightly without paying a fee by following Qantas’ name modification policy. These adjustments have to be made for actual mistakes and can’t include changing the name entirely. Significant name changes, however, can necessitate rebooking and incur additional fees. Passengers must present valid, matching identification when traveling.

Types Of Qantas Name Change On Ticket

There are a few reasons why your name needs to be changed on the reservation. The following are a few of the most popular justifications:

  • Spelling Error: Occasionally, when purchasing a ticket, tourists misspell terms that could prevent them from boarding the flight.
  • Legal Name Change: It is sometimes advisable for a passenger who has legally changed their name to also update their name on the ticket.
  • Matrimony/Divorce: If a passenger purchases a ticket and later gets married, they may need to adhere to Qantas’ rules regarding name changes and have their new legal name appear on the ticket.

How To Change Name With Qantas Name Change/Correction Policy? 

The procedure of changing a passenger’s name on Qantas may be difficult and time-consuming. However, by following a few easy steps, the required adjustments can be made. We will walk you through the process of altering the name on your ticket.

Method 1 – Alteration Of Name Via Website

The Qantas name change is restricted to cosmetic changes when use the website. Either way, you can change your name on a Qantas flight by using the steps listed below.

  • Visit the official Qantas website at
  • You must choose the Fly tab on the home screen.
  • Select “Manage Booking” by clicking.
  • Put in the necessary reservation details.
  • After choosing your scheduled flight, find the “Change my flight” option.
  • Next, select Edit name to apply the required modifications.
  • Once the modifications have been made, click proceed.
  • Lastly, finish the required payment and watch for the email that verifies

Method 2 – Name Change On Ticket Via Call

The Qantas name change phone number can be used to finalize the name change procedure. Offline assistance is also capable of handling significant corrections, such as name changes due to legal obligations. All you need to do is this:

  • Initially, call the 1800 227 4795 assistance line; this toll-free number is available 24/7.
  • If the official helpline is busy, call Get Help to speak with a consolidator.
  • Then, while you follow the on-call instructions, wait for an agent to connect.
  • Inform the agent that your name needs to be updated on Qantas immediately, and when asked, supply the relevant booking information.
  • You can email or mail offline any additional material or supporting legal documents that the agent requests to support your revisions.
  • After analyzing your Qantas name change request, you will be liable to pay a name change charge.

Method 3 – Correction Of Name At The Airport

Lastly, to submit an offline name change request, go to the nearest Qantas ticket office or counter at the airport. Thus, give your booking information to the responsible agent and ask that the name change process be initiated. Most people believe it to be a last-minute solution.

Conditions For Qantas Name Change

Qantas’s policy regarding name changes for passengers may vary depending on the kind of ticket, the specific circumstance, and the tariff terms. For minor name changes, such fixing typos, Qantas typically allows name changes without charging a fee. However, if there are significant name changes or amendments required for legal reasons, the airline may insist on rebooking the ticket; this may come with additional expenses. Since terms and conditions are subject to change at any time, it is essential that you communicate with Qantas directly or review them for exact details. Call Get Help if you require a consolidator and the official helpline is full.

Qantas Name Change For Marriage And Divorce

Similar to numerous other airlines, Qantas generally permits name changes resulting from marriage or divorce under its Qantas ticket name change policy. The following are some salient points:

  • Marriage: When a passenger changes their last name as a result of getting married, they frequently don’t charge a fee. Usually, as identification, you’ll need to show a copy of your marriage license.
  • Divorce: In the event of a divorce, Qantas may also allow a name change, allowing you to revert to your previous name without incurring any more costs. Typically, you’ll need a copy of your divorce decree or any other relevant court document.
  • Conditions: The name on your identity documents must match the new name, and the name change must be closely related to to the marriage or divorce

The Qantas Name Change Fee is subject to change based on a number of variables, such as the kind of ticket, the fare terms, and the particulars of the name change. For small adjustments, like correcting typos, they usually don’t charge for these modifications. On the other hand, there can be costs associated with major name adjustments or changes that call for rebooking the ticket; these might range from $90 to $120.The Qantas Name Change Fee is subject to change based on a number of variables, such as the kind of ticket, the fare terms, and the particulars of the name change. For small adjustments, like correcting typos, they usually don’t charge for these modifications. On the other hand, there can be costs associated with major name adjustments or changes that call for rebooking the ticket; these might range from $90 to $120.

Documents Required For Qantas Ticket Name Change

Depending on the reason, different documents are required for a Qantas name correction. To change your name after marriage, you often require a marriage certificate. To change one’s name after a divorce, one may need to get a divorce decree or other legal documents. If the name change is the consequence of another legal action, such as a court order, pertinent legal paperwork must be obtained. Identity documents that match the name on the ticket are crucial.

Can I Board With A Misspelled Name On Qantas Airlines?

When you board the plane, it could be problematic if your name is misspelled on your Qantas ticket, especially if there is a significant variation. Airlines require that the name on your ticket and any identity documents you may possess, like your passport or driver’s license, match. If there is a minor discrepancy, like a misspelling, some airlines might allow it, but that is entirely up to them. It is imperative that you get in touch with Qantas and explain your situation in order to find out if they can accept the misspelled name or if any changes are needed to avoid problems during your holiday.

How To Contact Qantas Customer Support?

Please contact 1800 227 4795 to speak with a representative directly about Qantas’ name change policy. However, occasionally, poor connectivity may make it challenging to contact the officials. Call Get Help to discuss name change requests with consolidators.

Note: The purpose of Flying Rules is to inform travelers about airline regulations. As a result, everything of the material offered here is real and comes from reputable sources. Still, no matter the airline, we work hard to improve your travel experience as a service provider. Please be aware that Flying Rules is not responsible for, and will not be held accountable for, the acts of the recognized airlines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Qantas’ stance regarding name changes?

Minor adjustments are permitted under the Qantas Name Change On Ticket policy without incurring a cost. Rebooking may be necessary in the event of significant changes, maybe at additional cost. For specifics, please contact Qantas since policy details may differ.

Q2. How can I use Qantas’ policy for name correction?

Use the Qantas name change policy by contacting customer service, submitting the necessary paperwork, according to their guidelines, and double-checking the information.

Q3. How can a Qantas frequent flyer modify their passenger name?

In order to change a passenger’s name for a Qantas Frequent Flyer redemption, you often need to give them a call, supply the required information, and follow their alteration guidelines.

Q4. How long does it take to have a ticket with the Qantas name changed?

Correcting a Qantas incorrect name on a ticket may have a variable deadline depending on the circumstances and the specific tariff restrictions. Since Qantas’ terms and conditions are subject to change, it is advisable to get in touch with them directly for the most recent information. Occasionally, though, a lack of connectivity could make it difficult to get in touch with the authorities. To discuss name change requests with consolidators, call Get Help .

Q5. Can a person change their name after divorcing?

Qantas typically permits name changes following a divorce. Usually, you’ll need to submit a copy of your divorce decree or any other pertinent court record as identification. But it’s imperative that you get in touch with Qantas or check their current regulations. If you are unable to get through on the official helpline, call Get Help to discuss Qantas name correction requests with consolidators.

Q6: Can a name change be made after marriage with Qantas?

Qantas often allows name changes after marriage as long as they correspond with the wedded name. Passengers are typically required to show identification, such as a copy of their marriage license. However, as conditions and standards may vary and alter over time, it’s essential that you speak with Qantas or check their most recent policies. To discuss Qantas name change marriage requests with consolidators, phone Get Help if you are unable to reach the official helpline at 1800 227 4795.

Q7. Can I change the name on my reservation and give it to a different Qantas Airlines customer?

Renaming a reservation to transfer it to a different customer is usually not permitted by Qantas. It is normally not possible to make significant modifications, such as transferring a reservation to another person, and the person traveling must match the name on the reservation.

Q8: Can I modify the name on a Qantas ticket that is non-refundable?

It is usually not possible to transfer a non-refundable Qantas ticket to a different person by changing the name on it. For specifics and particular choices, get in touch with Qantas customer service.

Q9. Is it required to enter my middle name while using Qantas for travel?

When a customer books a ticket with Qantas, they do not need to provide a middle name.

Q10. How can I contact Qantas customer service?

Please call 1800 227 4795 to speak with a representative directly. Occasionally, though, a lack of connectivity could make it difficult to get in touch with the authorities. To discuss Qantas name change requests with consolidators, call Get Help .

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