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Facebook USA Phone Number


1601 Willow Rd.,Menlo Park, CA 94025


37.4500757, -122.1716742

Link with the Direct Facebook Phone number

Facebook is an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Zuckerberg wrote a program called Facemash on October 28, 2003, while attending Harvard University as a sophomore (second year student). The founders had initially limited the website’s membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. Facebook also takeover the Social media giant WhatsApp Messenger on date February 19, 2014

Please Note FaceBook have no Phone Number , So please avoid any phone Number you found on Google , Yahoo after search

It gradually added Helpline for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old was allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may be higher depending on applicable local laws.

Small Business can business can benefit from Facebook. If you’re running a small company then there’s no doubt you’re always attempting to find ways to acquire new clients and sell more to the customers that you already have. The convention means like Yellow pages, Television ads, newspaper ads, pamphlets etc.

were there medium earlier. But within the last ten years the explosion of the World Wide Web has launched a whole bunch of different advertising methods. One of them is Facebook. Facebook in actual fact provides more than one method to market your company which makes it an extremely formidable platform, especially when you take into account the total number of users this website now has. Facebook Messenger is widely used by people to connect with friends to do chat , exchange text messages and video calls .

There are two types of advertising – Free and Paid. If you want to work with the cost-free way of promoting on Facebook, then the starting point is to create a Facebook page for your business. You are permitted to create a little group to keep customers and prospective customers up-to-date with regards to anything that’s taking place within your small business.

If you want to get the most from Facebook you should mix the free and paid methods. If you haven’t yet marketed through this, there is no better moment than right now. Start by establishing a Facebook page for your small business.

There are unfortunate times when you can encounter issues in your Facebook account. The common issues that you may face are:

• Accounting Hacking
• Login & Password Issue
• Issue in Privacy Settings
• Updation Errors
• Posting Failure

In such scenarios you can contact the Helpline team of Facebook. You can call on the 24×7 to the toll free Facebook Phone Number and resolve the issues in just few simple steps. Facebook can be reached through various Helpline modes like

Phone Helpline: You can call to Facebook toll free Number anytime to get solutions to your problems.

Forums: You can visit forums to refer the solution provided by the previous users having the same issues.

Knowledge base & FAQs: Also you can visit the Knowledge and FAQs page to find out the proper resolution steps for your problem.

Email Help Desk: You can drop an email to the company email id and wait for the revert email.

Live Chat: You can choose the live chat option that connects you to a proficient service executive who will answer or resolve your queries.

If you fail to connect Facebook Helpline by any of the above means do not get annoyed. Patiently choose other dependable agencies that are trustworthy and provide quick Helpline.Customer care directory is among those agencies that provides authentic contact number and details. It connects you directly to the Helpline executive and helps you with a feasible solution to your problem. They are open 24×7 and assure you first call resolution.

Opening Hours


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM


12:00 AM -12:00 PM

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